This, or variations on it, happens to be the one of the most frequently asked support questions... how do I put my kid's head on the dog's body? How do I get Aunt Emma into the family group picture when she wasn't there? How do I get rid of my ex- ______ (fill in the blank - wife, boyfriend, husband)? We often get asked this and it is actually quite easy to do. Though I will tell you to do it well takes some time and patience.
Today's question involved replacing Tobey Maguire on the Spiderman poster with a friend and it seemed to work particularly well so I decided to make a tutorial out of it. That and I wasn't feeling well so this made it seem like I was working hard when I was really just keeping myself busy so I wouldn't keep worrying about whether what I have is really the flu or not.
Here is the Spiderman poster -
First you need to have the two photos you want to work on in main pane of FxFoto side by side. To do this, first click on the Collage Button which is located under the navigation joy stick in the top tool box. It looks like two squares on top of two squares. Click on it and then click on the two photos. Now you can add more than one photo to the right main pane.
Now I am going to assume you are familiar with the clone brush. If you aren't then I have a Clone Brush Tutorial which will help you learn to use it.
Essentially what you are going to do is clone brush a part of one photo onto the other photo. With the example, we'll have some fine tuning to do with the Color Brush and Smudge Brush. You may need to use these on your photo too. I'll be using the Spiderman example, but you apply this to any photo.
Now your screen should look like this:
Note that I have made the girl's face about as large as the one I want to replace. That makes it easy to simply sweep the clone brush across and the features will be the right size. I used eye size and kept the ear the same level. To make a photo slide under another photo, right click on the photo you want to slide over and choose Show Image on Top.
Use the square brush shape because the lines are easier to match up. Think of the clone brush tool as paint. You will be painting over Tobey Maguire's face with the paint of the girl's face. If the paint and the brush are at the same place and level on both photos, then the girl will just replace Tobey and her eye will be where his was and her nose will replace his etc. So you want the green square (the paint) and the blue square (the brush) to be in the same place in each photo. Right click to set the paint on the girl and then move to the same area on Tobey, click and hold the brush down. Once you have the paint set do NOT move it until all the cloning is done! This will let you transfer the face without streaking it. I used a square brush of 17 and no feather and swept my brush across horizontally. Below you can see I have started to clone the girl onto Tobey - the bangs are on his forehead (cute huh?)-
Keep sweeping across until her face has replaced his face as you can see below:
A couple of notes - I didn't go all the way to the center of the Spiderman face - I'll take care of that later. And I cloned in the background behind the girl too but don't worry, I 'll take care of that later too. Just be sure to keep sweeping your brush horizontally and don't re-adjust the paint.
Now let's take care of the center line. When I cloned the face, I did not use a feathered edge. This is because I wanted to replace the face pixel by pixel and not lose any. An feathered edge would have also caused streaking - you would be able to see my brush strokes - which was not desirable either. Now, however, there is a line with a sharp edge running down the center of the spider girl's face. If you look at the original poster, you will notice that the center line is blurred and blended so the face and mask blend into each other. To do that on our spider girl photo, I changed to from a square to a circle brush and added feathering. I chose heavy feathering of 30 because the original poster has heavy feathering but you might have to adjust yours to suit your situation.
I dragged the Clone brush vertically along the center of the photo. I did not reset the clone brush paint so I am still cloning in the exactly the same place as I did earlier so everything matches perfectly. If you look at the photo below, you can see the edge is smooth above the blue circle where it has been feathered and rough below it where it has not been feathered.
We aren't quite done with that center line and we will work on it again below. But now it is blended in better so let's pretend we are done with it and move on. The next step is to remove the background behind the girl and replace it with the Spiderman background. We could clone brush it in but there is an easier way.
We are going to place another Spiderman poster below our cloned one. Then we are going to erase the background next to the girl so the poster below shows through. This is a neat trick to use when you want to replace one face with another. If you add feathering to the edge, then the areas blend quite well.
Add an untouched Spiderman poster to the main pane. Right click on it and choose Show Image on Bottom. Now slide it under the picture you have been working on, making sure it is lined up perfectly.
Now click on Correct and then Color Brush. Choose Circle Brush and slide the Transparency slider all the way to the right (255). Now where ever you brush on the photo, it will turn clear and show the photo below it. Here I'm brushing away the background to let the poster show through:
Note that on first pass I removed lots of the background but I didn't go near the edge of the head. Now I'll zoom in, add some feathering and work my way along where the head meets the poster underneath. Working with small strokes, the feathering allows the photo above to blend in with the photo underneath it. Here's what it looks like now. The top part of the ear is pretty good but I still have some work to do around the earlobe.
And here is what it looks like once I've cleaned all the background edge up. It turns out Tobey Maguire's face is longer than the girl's face so there is a shadow below her chin but I'll fix that later.
Now comes the fussing around part. In order to make this or whatever you are working on look real, you need to study the photo carefully. Here there are some details I need to fill in to make spider girl look more real -
- the mask extends into a shadow that blends into Tobey's hair on the top. Tobey's hair is the same color as the shadow so this works really well.
- the center shadow line isn't exactly in the center - the tip of Tobey's nose shows and it arcs across his forehead
- at the bottom, his lips are in shadow but do show as does his chin
You need to take a careful look at your project - where is the light coming from? Where are the shadows falling? Is there shading on the clothing or on the ground? To correct some of these things you may want to learn to used partial transparency when cloning and to use the smudge brush.
To correct the neck/chin problem, I opened another untouched photo of the girl and clone brushed her neck color onto Tobey's neck. Her neck was smaller so it meant I had to clone brush the areas of shadows on her neck onto his neck in several different places to create a bigger shadow. Then to blend it in, I clicked on Correct > Stamp Brush and clicked the Smudge Brush button. This is a cool little tool that smudges the area that you brush over and therefore really helps with blending. There's a tutorial on using the Smudge Brush at DigiScrapping Tutorials.
For the forehead and head shadow, I clone brushed the shadow found on the mask half of the poster onto the girl's head and forehead. But I added some transparency to it so it didn't look quite so dark. It would have been better if her hair was the same color as the shadow but alas, that was not the case. I set the Transparency Slider on the clone brush to 124 with an edge feathering of 4 and carefully tried to re-create the arc. Then I used the Smudge Brush to blend it in.
For the lips and nose, I used the Clone Brush and an untouched photo of the girl to paint on the tip of her nose and lips. But I used partial transparency of 150 so that the lips had a deep shadow. And then I used the Smudge brush to blend again.
And....drum roll's Spider Girl! (hmmm wonder what font they are using and if I can change the title too....maybe later)
Credits - Spiderman poster from the movie Spiderman 2; stock photo from stock.xchge